About Us

First of all, what is PINAKBET? Pinakbet is an indigenous Filipino dish from the northern regions of the Philippines also known as Pakbet. Pinakbet is made from mixed native vegetables and seasoned with fermented fish Monamon(originally). Ingredients vary on places but as far as I know the original veggies included in this dish were Bitter Melon(Ampalaya), Eggplant(Talong), String Beans(Sitaw), Squash(Kalabasa), Okra, Onions and Garlic. I grew up with this dish. My parents are both have pure Ilocano roots. So Pinakbet is a common dish on the table and got used to it. Though they have different ways of cooking Pinakbet, as my father cooked it the traditional way and as to my mother sauteed’. Sorry Pang, I’ll go with Mamang’s way. I wanted that oily salty pork on my pinakbet.

“Living in this world is temporary. If given the chance to do something, grab the opportunity. We will only live once so enjoy the gift of time to explore all possibilities. You will regret all the things you did negatively. But you can never go back to the times you did nothing positively.”

Going back to the name PINAKBET PROJECT. I, we, choose this name for our family blog website because like Pinakbet having different ingredients, we also have different adventures and experience exploring different places we visited. And like a project, our family has a lot of bucket list. We love to explore when we have the chance. And I’m still searching, rooting for that authentic Pinakbet taste. But as of now, no one beats my mother’s Pinakbet.

Our Team


The author and the developer of the team. Frustrated hacker and a trying hard blogger but a very competitive Website Designer and Developer.


The event planner and the financier of the team.


The artist and the choreographer of the team.


The editor and the tech guy of the team.


The lucky charm of the team. The dancer, the singer the Tik Tok prodigy. She makes everyone smile and ease the boredom of every moment.

To God be all the glory!