Coffee for People with Acid Reflux and Experiencing Heartburn

I’m a coffee lover and I won’t last a day without drinking at least 3 cups of coffee. With my years of drinking coffee (and I was still smoking back then), I developed acid reflux. Since drinking coffee is part of my daily routine, my heartburn worsen. Until I discover coffee for people with acid reflux and experiencing heartburn.

What is Acid Reflux and the symptom heartburn?

When one suffers heartburn, it is common to say Acid reflux is happening. Acid reflux is the actual physical flow of stomach acid back into the esophagus. This is what causes one to feel heartburn.

Heartburn is usually described as pain in the chest. This normally happens when stomach acid flows back up into the esophagus hence causing a burning sensation. Usually around chest or where the heart is. Since stomach acid is causing the burning sensation, heartburn is commonly associated with hyperacidity.

What are the benefits of drinking coffee?

Other than it makes me more sharp, somehow. I love the taste of contrasting sweetness and bitterness of coffee. Here are the known benefits of drinking coffee I found over the WWW.

    1. Can Improve Energy Levels and Make You Smarter
    2. Can Help You Burn Fat
    3. Can Drastically Improve Physical Performance
    4. Contains Essential Nutrients
    5. May Lower Your Risk of Type 2 Diabetes
    6. May Protect You From Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia
    7. May Lower Your Risk of Parkinson’s
    8. May Protect Your Liver
    9. Can Fight Depression and Make You Happier
    10. May Lower Risk of Certain Types of Cancer
    11. Doesn’t Cause Heart Disease and May Lower Stroke Risk
    12. May Help You Live Longer
    13. The Biggest Source of Antioxidants in the Western Diet

To know more about the detailed benefits of drinking coffee, read more here.

San Mig Sugar Free 3-in-1 Coffee

san mig 3-in-1 sugar free coffee

Comes with three variants. The Original, Mild and Strong. I love the strong variant. it’s more satisfying than the original and of course far beyond the mild variant. The problem is, most of the time the strong variant is out of stock. I don’t no why so if available, I buy like 4-5 packs at a time.

MX3 Coffee Mix

MX3 Coffee Mix is a flavorful concoction of Premium Coffee packed with 3 anti-oxidants: Alpha, Beta, and Gamma from G. Mangostana.

 Low Acid Coffee
 High Source of Vitamin C
 High Source of Calcium

I actually started drinking this coffee when my acid reflux worsen. And yes, it’s effective. Now I can enjoy drinking without suffering from heartburn. The good thing also with this coffee is it lessen the craving of drinking more coffee. I can’t explain it but maybe because the coffee is full of vitamins and minerals that makes you feel full just like eating vegetables.

Jimm’s 7 in 1 Herbal Coffee Mix

Jimm’s 7 in 1 herbal coffee mix has ginseng, mushroom, spirulina, and reishi. Spirulina is for energy, weight control and cleansing. Reishi is considered one of the most important herbs in Asian healing.

Being said containing all that herbal ingredients it’s probably good to your health. Of course you still need to consult your doctor. You might have some allergic reactions on some of the contents.

But for me other than the herbal benefits, I enjoyed drinking this coffee because of being low in acid. I never had a problem with acid reflux since drinking this coffee.

Civet Coffee (Kopi Luwak)

Kopi luwak, also known as civet coffee, is a coffee that consists of partially digested coffee cherries, which have been eaten and defecated by the Asian palm civet (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus). The cherries are fermented as they pass through a civet’s intestines, and after being defecated with other fecal matter, they are collected. Asian palm civets are increasingly caught in the wild and traded for this purpose.

Kopi luwak is produced mainly on the Indonesian islands of Sumatra, Java, Bali, Sulawesi, and in East Timor. It is also widely gathered in the forest or produced in farms in the islands of the Philippines, where the product is called kape motit in the Cordillera region, kapé alamíd in Tagalog areas, kapé melô or kapé musang in Mindanao, and kahawa kubing in the Sulu Archipelago. Weasel coffee is a loose English translation of its Vietnamese name cà phê Chồn.

Producers of the coffee beans argue that the process may improve coffee through two mechanisms: selection – civets choosing to eat only certain cherries, and digestion – biological or chemical mechanisms in the animals’ digestive tracts altering the composition of the coffee cherries.

The traditional method of collecting feces from wild Asian palm civets has given way to an intensive farming method, in which the palm civets are kept in battery cages and are force-fed the cherries. This method of production has raised ethical concerns about the treatment of civets and the conditions they are made to live in, which include isolation, poor diet, small cages, and a high mortality rate.

Although kopi luwak is a form of processing rather than a variety of coffee, it has been called one of the most expensive coffees in the world, with retail prices reaching US$100 per kilogram for farmed beans and US$1,300 per kilogram for wild-collected beans. Another epithet given to it is that it is the “Holy Grail of coffees.”

Source: Wikipedia

My encounter with this coffee was on a product conference held at DTI office/building at Pasay City. I approached the merchant’s booth because of the irresistible aroma of coffee. Immediately they offer me a cup of Civet Coffee. At first I refuse and I said to the merchant that I’m suffering from acid reflux. She insisted and explained that the coffee is low in acid and doesn’t spike your acid reflux. I did and yes, it didn’t feel any heartburn after and while drinking civet coffee.



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