Diner’s Original Bulalo | Birthday Dinner at Tagaytay

Without a prior plan, we end up celebrating my 37th Birthday in Tagaytay. The weather is not good that day. It’s kinda stormy, windy with some rain shower. What could be the more complimenting dinner with this kind of weather other than Bulalo?

Unfortunately, we checked in to a hotel that is not too close to Mahogany Market where they said the best Bulalo is served. So we opt to just look for a restaurant close to our hotel. Across the street is the Diner’s Original Bulalo.

I saw their sign “Since 1984”. Assuming that it’s somehow old and having the impression of an established resto, we decided to try how tasty their Bulalo is.


We first stay in their Kubo so I can vape while waiting for our orders to be served. Waiting for approximately 30 minutes, our orders still in the queue and the rain started pouring.

We transferred inside the resto to avoid the rain. After 10-15 minutes of waiting at our new table, our orders were still not served so my wife followup our orders.

diner's original bulalo menu

Take note that our orders were just Bulalo, Pork Sisig and Tawilis. I’m wondering why it’s taking them so long to prepare the dishes wherein there are only several customers that night.

Anyway, as long as I can remember, the food is alright. Nothing special with the Bulalo other than it was kept warm. The Tawilis is bigger than the usual but not that crispy, unlike the ones they serve in Mahogany Market.

tawilis original diner's bulalo

The price is a little bit expensive but our overall experience was fine. I will still recommend this resto because of the nice accommodation. If you wanted a cozy, not crowded place to eat with your family, this may be a good place for you.



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