Hong Kong Tour Day 1: Arrival Hong Kong Airport

Our Hong Kong tour Day 1 started. We arrived at Hong Kong International Airport around 10:30. Just enough time before we check-in to the guest house we booked in Tsim Sha Tsui.

We rode a train from the terminal to immigration. There will be two stops. Don’t descend on the first one.

Hong Kong Tour Day 1: The Arrival

hong kong airport transfer

This is where the ballpen becomes handy. You need to fill up a form before approaching the immigration desk. We have a very bad experience with the immigration desk. I’ll discuss it on another blog.

After passing the immigration desk, we proceed to pick up our luggage. While I’m in the queue to get an Octopus Card (the line was long that day),  some people try to sell their Octopus Card for HK$50 so they don’t need to queue in the line to surrender the card and get the HK$50 deposit.

I met a Filipina next to my line. They are about to go back to the Philippines. I ask her for some information. While chatting, I  noticed that she’s surrendering 4  cards. I need 4 cards for us so I ask her to sell the card to me so we don’t need to wait in line. She agreed with hesitation.

When I checked the card’s balance I discovered why. All 4 cards had negative balances, about HK$3-5. There are load up machines nearby but only 50’s and 100’s bills are accepted. We did bring HK dollars from the Philippines but in 500’s bill.

My wife and my 2 teens were eating at McDonald’s where they met a Filipina crew. She helps us to load up the cards. Then I learned that even food chains and convenience stores can. She directs us to McDonald’s cashier to load up HK$100 for each card.

hong kong tourist map


        1. Get an Octopus Card. Prepare HK$150. Load of HK$100 and HK$50 refundable deposit. You can use this card to pay a fare(Bus, MTR, Ferry and Tram), pay restaurant bills and can be used to purchase in convenience stores and Vendo Machines.
        2. Before getting out of the Airport, be sure to grab some maps.
        3. Don’t exchange money at the Airport. The exchange rate is higher outside
        4. Don’t use Airport Express. The fare is around HK$60

We took some pictures on our way to exit the Hong Kong Airport terminal. Just upon exit there’s a Bus terminal where we will ride to our transient house. And after checking-in, we will start our Hong Kong Tour day 1.


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