Keto Diet Snack

When you start Keto Diet you will feel hungry faster than before. The reason is that your stomach is used to carby food like rice and bread. What can you do to survive the whole day without eating any carby food is bring with you a snack that is very low in carbs but can relief your hungriness. For a 100grams of green leaf lettuce, total carbohydrate is around 2.9 grams. Also, Lettuce is an excellent source of fiber and other vitamins like Vitamin A, C and K.

For your dip, be careful not to use lots of ketchup. A little will do. More in Mayonaise and a pinch of Muscovado to eliminate the sour taste of Mayonaise. So for this snack, you’ll get around 4-5 grams of carbohydrates. Not bad!


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